I have an issue with my HP bar
same numbers on all of my toons and don't change when I lost some HP
restart the game or the computer doesn't change anything.
A screens if you need when I take off and set back my stuff. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/860603880169390983/74DFF299BC4DB14BBF1F10733DDCB260F6BB995E/
I have the exact same issue. my dryad has over 304 608 hp, yet at max health the game only shows 304,608/304,60
sometimes when i switch to lower HP heroes, they have a visual glitch and have the same amount of HP as the dryad, even if they get 1shot by c7 mobs.
When i lose HP, the numbers do not go lower, but the red bar does deplete eventually.
This is what I am facing too. All Characters have the same health and it someetimes is already liek that when I am in town or more often it changes into that "mode" when entering a map.
For Example: Monk actually 307.000 HP will change to 206.060 HP from Dryad
Characters with actual low HP will increase to the higher HP from Dryad.
Update: I might have found a solution to this problem, it has til now workde.
Try the following: Change one part of your gear on the hero to which other ones have adopted their health bar to (In my case I have risen my Dryads health from 206k to 258k). I didnt experience that problem anymore since I have done that.
Hope it will help others too.
Thanks for your bug report! We've investigated your report and followed your instructions, but we were unable to reproduce the bug on our end.
Being able to successfully reproduce a bug is critical to the process of bug fixing. Without a successful step-by-step list of instructions to get the bug to happen, we won't be able to fix this bug. If you (or anyone else reading this) have any additional information that could lead us to successfully reproduce this issue, please reply to this thread. If we do not receive any additional information, we will close this report in two weeks, and we'll ask you to resubmit the report once you have new details that could lead to a successful repro of this bug.
Thanks, and we look forward to hearing from you!