Dungeon Defenders 2 Bug Reporting

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Recent Reports
Playing as Deleted Hero
You can play as a hero you deleted from your deck.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:First you need a deck with at lease 3 heros in it. Then go into your inventory and delete the hero you are playing as in game. It will then auto switch you to a different h...

Hot Issues
Gear stats at 0 when progressing. PS4
After completing a map, by winning or losing, and when continuing on, all gear will go to 0.Repro Chance: 90%Steps for Bug Repro: Hello. I've recently come across this bug, that usually happens after 2 or more games in a row, it does not matter if this is onsl...

Recent Reports
Gunwitch flies with Snipe
If the Gunwitch his her double jump just as you snipe your model continues to fly in the direction that you jump. However where you are shooting from stays the same as where you clicked snipe.Repro Chance: 20%Steps for Bug Repro:Jump Hit Snipe Immediatly hit j...

No book drop duration with ascesion
When i was adding ascension points to my gunwitch the book drop has 0 points of duration and 0 to increase with the ascension points idk what happens hereRepro Chance: 60%Steps for Bug Repro:  Have a gunwitch and ad least 1 or 2 ascension levels Add ascension...

EV2's Proton Charge and Dark Assassins bug
Using Proton Charge when Dark Assassins attack will cause your EV2 to be stuck using the Proton Charge ability and you can move around and shoot w/ primary attack at stuff while the beam destroys everything. Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Use EV2's Prot...

Recent Reports
Crane Stance no Stak passive!
The Shard for the monk (''Crane Stance '' Each secondary attack increases the damage of the next primary attack by 10-90%. Stacks up to 6 times. ) No Stacks passive!!Repro Chance: 80%Steps for Bug Repro:Shard no Stack! :(Expected Results: Resolve!

EV2 Death from Above, decoy does not spawn allowing infinite bots
The Death from Above ability's decoy does not spawn if EV2 jumps in the same frame in which the ability is activated. When used with the Dummies and Bots shard, the bots spawn but the decoy does not. This is likely due to the fact that the bots are spawned bef...

Recent Reports
Shadowflame dagger secondary fire not flying.
Using the secondary fire with shadowflame spawns daggers that spin in position.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Tried it in tavern Tried it in town Tried in in match and the enemies have to be close to the daggers for them to fly towards the enemies.Expec...

L Shift Compare
After Update the L Shift Compare while in Combat or not dont work.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:After the Update L Shift Compare dont work. IDK what happend. Reinstall Game dont workExpected Results: IDK what comes inside this window

Needs Your Help
Huntress piercing shot ability disapering and not dealing damage
The 4th ability of the Huntress "Piercing Shot" disappears when you use it to close to an enemy and deals no damage as a result, but it still uses the Mana and goes on cooldown.Repro Chance: 90%Steps for Bug Repro:get close to any enemy and fire the piercing s...

Recent Reports
Gun Witch Sharpshooter's Star-hood clipping
Whenever a Gun Witch wearing the Star-hood uses the Vroom Broom skill or jumps hair can be seen coming through the back of the hood as seen in the following screenshot. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/860604416507642215/B6876A0152298CF3F0B24E0A8E21B...

Corruption Benefits
Dryad keep corruption benefits after changing character.Repro Chance: 100%Steps for Bug Repro:Select Dryad Use Alt Click for Corruption Change char Corruption benefits stayExpected Results: Corruption benefits revert to default.